Sunday, November 2, 2008


Costumes are hard to find for Gunnar's age: they are either up to 12 months or Small 4-6. I found two that we liked and went with.....Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm! It was surprising that it fit in the body and was just a little long in the legs. But he has been wearing bigger than his age clothes in all 2 year life, why would now be different. We LOVE the puffy chest and arms!

Reading his book and sitting in his recliner while waiting to go meet Aunt Emily, Uncle Josh, and Cousin Cash.
Gunnar playing with the flaming head part of his costum.

We went with Emily, Josh, and Cash to the Prestonwood Church Fall Festival on Halloween. It was huge. The kids were overwhelmed with all the people and cool games going on. I think the next few years will be more exciting for them and they will definitely be more involved in the games...just a little too young this year.
Gunnar, Nick, Josh, and Cash at the Halloween Fall Festival at Prestonwood Church.

Gunnar and daddy at the Halloween Fall Festival.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SUCH the PERFECT costume for him! So cute and he looks so happy! Love it!